Data Warehouse

Centralize Your Data to Improve Data Orchestration and Reporting with Synatic’s Data Warehouse

Data management with a single source of truth
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Data management with a single source of truth

Data accessibility is critical for agencies to stay competitive in a rapidly changing industry. There is a great deal of data available but what impacts agents is the complexity of the information and its disparate sources, which threatens their ability to manage it.
Synatic’s Data Warehouse is the perfect solution to integrate with your current IT infrastructure to orchestrate, enrich and report on data the way you through you should have been able to years ago

Do Any of These Questions Sound Familiar?

If so, and your frustrations fit into any of these categories, read on about how Synatic solves these and more issues.
I spend a significant amount of time locating and consolidating client data
Information is trapped within multiple siloed systems making it difficult to create a single source of truth for my data.
I do not have the time or resources to devote to managing and analyzing data leading to inaccurate reports
I am forced to rely on manual processes and workarounds to run my operations since I do not always have real-time access to the necessary data when I need it
Create A Single, Centralized Source Of Data Across Your Agency

Create A Single, Centralized Source Of Data Across Your Agency

A data warehouse provides a centralized location for storing and managing data

Enrich Data to Streamline Processes And Automate Tasks

Client and agency information may be enriched by integrating data from multiple sources and applying various data transformations, which already include an automatic data cleaning process

Use Structured Data To Improve Reporting

Generate customized and insightful reports and dashboards, to improve visibility into key business metrics and trends.

Featured Case Study
Gaining valuable customer insights with Vertafore AMS360 and BenefitPoint, integrated to Salesforce

Automate Your Data Sources and Insurtechs

White Paper

The Data Integration Challenge in the Insurance Industry

Download the white paper for an in-depth look into challenges and solutions when faced with modernization and automation for the insurance industry.
